Lista de transacciones útiles SAP Fiori

Esta es la lista de transacciones que he encontrado muy útil para el desarrollo de Fiori, Compartir con todos, Por favor, añadir más si he perdido algunos.

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/UI2/CACHERegister service for UI2 cache use
/UI2/CACHE_DELDelete cache entries
/UI2/CHIPChip Registration
/UI2/CUSTCustomizing of UI Technologies
/UI2/FLCFiori Launchpad Checks
/UI2/FLIAFiori Launchpad Intent Analyis
/UI2/FLPSAP Fiori Launchpad
/UI2/FLP_CONTCHECKFiori Launchpad – Content Checks
/UI2/FLP_INTENTCHECKFiori Launchpad – Intent Checks
/UI2/FLPD_CONFFiori Launchpad Designer (cross-client)
/UI2/FLPD_CUSTFiori Launchpad Designer (client-specific)
/UI2/FLPCM_CUSTFiori Launchpad check services, tiles and subtiles
/UI2/GW_ACTIVATEGateway – Activation
/UI2/GW_APPS_LOGGateway – Application Log
/UI2/GW_ERR_LOGGateway – Error Log
/UI2/GW_MAINT_SRVGateway – Service Maintenance
/UI2/GW_SYS_ALIASGateway – Manage SAP System Alias
/UI2/NAVRegister navigation objects
/UI2/NAVPROVDefine navigation provider
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_CUSTNWBC Configuration (Customer)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_CUSTNWBC Config: Define Parameter (Cust)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_SAPNWBC Config: Define Parameter (SAP)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_SAPNWBC Configuration (SAP)
/UI2/PERS_DELCleanup Personalisatation Service
/UI2/POWLRegister POWL for OData consumption
/UI2/SEMOBJDefine Semantic Object – Customer
/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAPDefine Semantic Object – SAP